
Maybe it’s time for Toledo to have a co-op!  Toledo needs competition, not tax relief or abatements! Now is the perfect time for a Co-Op in Toledo, Ohio. With the loss of the Anderson’s supermarkets, it has opened the door for this. I have in the past been a part of a Co-Op in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It only takes a $1 investment  to become a Co-op member-owner. Toledo is ripe for this kind of business.

About Judy Hansen

I have lived in many cities in the US and even lived in Calgary,Alberta Canada. But I always seem to end up where my life began in Toledo, Ohio. I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, sister, aunt, and I'll be your best friend!
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5 Responses to Co-op

  1. That does it!
    I will no longer shop at Kroger.

  2. Adam Hansen says:

    Toledo does have a co-op, the Phoenix Earth Food Co-op at 1447 W. Sylvania Avenue.

  3. Adam Hansen says:

    Then there is also the Toledo Bike Co-op, But they probably don’t do much in the way of selling food. 🙂

  4. Rich says:

    We have GIANT EAGLE and Foodtown plus Churchills. We did lose Cubs and A&P AND Red&White just to mention afew. What can we do?

  5. Roland says:

    We can ask that Giant Eagle open more stores in Toledo.
    In regards to Foodtown, and Churchills, neither operation with its one or two stores has the resources to expand; but, more people who live near them should patronize them. I drive many miles just to shop at Giant Eagle and Foodtown. Churchills, btw, is not the same owner as Walt Churchills.

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